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AMA backs bill to block Medicare cuts

AMA backs bill to block Medicare cuts

AMA strongly supports the reintroduced "Medicare Patient Access and Practice Stabilization Act” that would stop the 2.83% cut in Medicare payments to physician practices while providing a 2% payment update, aiming to stabilize physician practices and protect patients’ access to care.

Medicare is Breaking. Senior Citizens are Paying the Price.
| U.S. News & World Report

Medicare is Breaking. Senior Citizens are Paying the Price.

Last month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services slashed government reimbursements to physicians for the fifth year in a row, placing a severe financial burden on seniors and their doctors that will take effect in January – unless Congress intervenes first.

More News

| Becker's Hospital Review

Physicians rally behind Medicare payment bill

Several physician groups have voiced their support for a bill, introduced Jan. 31, that aims to cancel the 2.83% Medicare physician pay cut and provide a 2% pay increase to stabilize practices and protect patient access to care.

| Axios Pro (Subscription Required)

MedPAC again backs boosting docs' Medicare Pay

Lawmakers don't have to act on the recommendations. But the calls from MedPAC could add pressure in a growing campaign to get Congress to change the way Medicare pays physicians.


MedPAC gets it: Tie Medicare payments to inflation

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) voted to recommend linking next year’s physician payment update to the growth in the cost of providing care, exhibiting a keen grasp of what is needed to help ensure patients will have continued access to care.

Join the Fight to Fix Medicare Now

We’re dedicated to raising awareness of Medicare physician payment system problems so that we can work towards solutions that protect physician practices and patients’ access to care. It’s vital that patients and physicians use their voices to advocate for change. 

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